Friday, 18 March 2011

Square peg... round hole?

I'm beginning to feel like a two year-old trying to figure out how to fit that darn green plastic square into the round hole of my Fisher Price toy!!

I am a chronic over-packer. If there was a support group for people like me, I'd be there. I can barely go away for a weekend without lugging with me everything that I might possibly need to be prepared for the potential of a cataclysmic event. I can justify packing anything - seriously anything! What's missing from these pictures are my big rubber boots that I'm slowly convincing myself I will wear every day. A few other things missing from these pictures are all the little odds and ends that seem like they won't take up much room - until you try to fit them all in!

The idea of cramming 6 weeks worth of clothes and toiletries into one bag is startling to say the least. Looks like I've got some work to do!!

The "square peg"... most of things I want to bring. 
(This picture is missing a lot of stuff!)

The "round hole"...


  1. Kate, Dan and Lily21 March 2011 at 19:49

    The only thing I would suggest is a raincoat and some really comfortable shoes, and maybe a scarf that goes with everything. Don't pack too much if you plan on checking out some shops! Also, I bet there will be some pretty sweet markets this time of year!

  2. Raincoat, check! Comfy shoes, check! Scarf, check! I think I must have been channeling your expertise all along. Thanks for the advice Kate, give your little munshkin a hug for me :)
